Bad breath? Learn some simple solutions

Bad breath? The boss is sitting next to you in an important meeting in the office. But a foul odor is constantly coming to the nose. You can understand where it is coming from. But there is nothing to do. What to do in such a situation?

Bad breath is a very embarrassing problem. Even if you brush twice a day, bad breath does not go away. This is because eating a variety of foods causes bacteria in the mouth. But there are some foods that can eliminate bad breath in no time.

Water : If you have bad breath, drink water first. You will see the stench will disappear. Wash your face very well after eating. Cool your face with a little water and throw it away. Then drink a glass of water. You will see that the bad breath will go away completely

Apple  : Even if you eat apples, bad breath goes away. When we eat apples, a lot of saliva is produced in the mouth. The bacteria are cleared with saliva. It removes the odor created in the mouth.

Cardamom  : This method is probably known to many. Cardamom is a great help in eliminating bad breath. If you have a bad breath, you can keep a few cardamoms in a bag or pocket. If you feel bad breath, put cardamom seeds in your mouth. You will see that bad breath will go away.

Lemon : Vitamin C destroys the bacteria that cause bad breath. And lemons or oranges contain a lot of vitamin C. So if you feel bad breath, you can eat lemon or orange.

Green tea : Green tea is very beneficial for health. It contains a lot of flavonoids. This flavonoid actually kills the bacteria in the mouth. So the bad breath quickly disappears.

Chewing gum  : Chewing gum of various flavors is now available in stores. However, sugar-free chewing gum can prevent bad breath. When chewing gum, saliva is excreted in the mouth. It clears the bacteria produced in the mouth.

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