7 great foods to help you grow taller

The human body grows up to a certain age, our height increases. How tall the body will be is a lot of genetics. But with this, of course, depends on the food. In many cases the body does not grow properly due to lack of adequate nutrition. Again there are some foods that accelerate this process of body growth. Let's take a look at the names of some of the great foods we don't know today, which will increase the height of the body if they get a place in the food list.

1. Apples
: The fiber and water in apples help babies grow taller. So eat an apple half an hour before meals every day. This will help the 2 fibers to grow longer.

2. Abhakadoh
lunch time, half of the avocado provides different nutrients in the body. This helps to grow taller.

3. Soup : Soup is a healthy food. It contains calories which increase appetite. As a result, taking in extra food makes the cells grow and lengthen.

4. Beans, lentils, lentils
These foods are rich in protein, fiber, antioxidants, vitamin B and iron which help the body to grow cells. As a result, it also helps to grow taller.

5. Dark Chocolate:
Chocolate: Children are not eat chocolate. But this dark chocolate also helps to make children taller. The calories in it increase the cells and as a result the children become taller.

eggs in a healthy diet. It is rich in protein and vitamins. This causes the body to grow and grow taller.

nuts or almonds in a food for health. The various proteins and vitamins in it provide various nutrients to the body and also help in lengthening.

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