Surely no one wants to be in trouble when you buy a new mobile phone, a smart phone and show it to your friends. There are also important issues like security in the online age. It doesn't take long to fix these things
If not, users can get into trouble. This article is about the first thing to do after buying a mobile phone (mainly a smartphone).
Manage the sound setting: Many people get annoyed by the sound of beep, chime and lightning. These words can also cause annoyance to colleagues inside an office. You can also read in such an embarrassing situation with a newly bought mobile phone. For this reason, the first thing that should be done is to arrange the volume, ringtone, etc. rationally. It is necessary for the well-being of oneself and the people around. However, do not stop at this stage. At the initial ghataghati not only understand the behavior of your phone, you can also understand the various features of the phone. At this time you should look at different menus, sub menus and hidden options of the phone. Get ideas about everything from call blocking to gesture control. Besides, if you turn on some mobile phones including Android, some options come. These also need to be looked at
Check for updates: Mobile phone software is often outdated at the time of sale. As a result, after buying, you have to check whether there is any update of various software including operating system. It can be easily checked from the settings menu by connecting to the internet. If the operating system is not up to date, you can update each app separately. If there are many updates then it may take some time. Many times you may have to restart. As a result, we have to take time for this.
Ensure security: Ensure the security of your phone before loading it with various apps, games and music. There is a lot to do in this case. First of all, you need to check the security features of your phone. Although many people are annoyed to do this. There are also some apps that can be used to lock your phone even if it is stolen. In addition, the location of some models of smartphones can be determined remotely. If it is not possible to recover again, it is possible to delete the information inside them. It is also possible to retrieve important information kept on the phone.
Start using cloud storage: After buying many new phones you will get the option to use cloud storage. In addition, the option to save contacts, photos, calendars, music, etc. can be found on the Internet or on tablets and PCs. If you want to use these, you can start now. This will not only save your phone data, it will also reduce the fear of losing your data. As a result, even if you lose your phone, it is possible to restore the phone with the same information as before by buying a new phone. At this time you need to get an idea about the content sharing options and features. Because a lot of times phone photos, contracts, etc. can go online without your knowledge.
Customize: The next option to secure your mobile phone is to customize it. For this you can set the wallpaper etc. as you like. The app can then be downloaded as needed. Many useful, entertaining or game apps are available at phone makers' online stores. Some of these cost money to buy, while others are completely free.