One of the main causes of tooth brushing is to prevent decay. However, it is not enough to just brush. There are some proper methods for this, which if not followed can cause gum and tooth damage. In addition, most people do not spend much time brushing.
Fighting cavities alone is not the main purpose of brushing teeth. Rather, its purpose is to prevent bad breath, eliminate yellowing of the teeth, lively smile, and maintain the health of the teeth. If you want to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful, you have to brush your teeth properly. And we all know more or less about the proper rules for brushing teeth, so I will not talk about it today. One of the things we will talk about today is the mistakes we usually make when brushing our teeth.
# Most people do not spend much time brushing their teeth. Dentists recommend brushing your teeth for two or three minutes. But many do not. The next time you brush your teeth, brush your teeth clockwise. Brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes after eating in the morning and before going to bed at night.
# Many of us brush our teeth at random or don't understand how to brush our teeth properly. As a result, the teeth become fragile and weak. Brush the bristles of the brush by turning it 45 degrees. The brush should be pulled downwards when cleaning the upper teeth, and upwards when cleaning the lower teeth. After the front part, the inner part also needs to be cleaned well.
# You need to change your strategy. Enamel is made up of strong substances. Which is like a fragile rod. When you brush in the corners and at different ends of the teeth, this brittle rod will crack and the teeth may become weak or broken, so you have to brush properly.
# Not brushing the right way: Many people brush their teeth at random but do not know the right way. He brushed only the front teeth and gulped. When brushing teeth you need to brush all the sides side to side and top to bottom. The tongue and gums also need to be cleaned after each brushing.
# Strange as it may sound, it's true that a truthbrush can be a haven for germs. That is why it is not right to use the same brush for a long time. Because bacteria can nest in Brussels. Its use causes tooth loss. So doctors advise, replace the toothbrush every three months. In addition, after using the brush, it should be washed with hot water and try to keep it dry.
# Using toothpaste that contains baking soda removes tooth stains, but it can sometimes not be good for enamel. So, according to researchers, before buying toothpaste that will brighten the teeth, find out if it will be good for the teeth.
# Cannot be rushed or over-brushed. Food particles stuck in the gaps between the teeth need to be cleaned gently in the right way. Brushing too hard and excessively can damage tooth enamel.
# After brushing their teeth, many people rush to cool down. As a result, the bacteria in the mouth remain in the mouth. So after brushing, you have to wash your face thoroughly with water or use a mouthwash that does not contain alcohol