How do you know if you have a heart attack?

The heart circulates blood throughout the body through pumping. The heart also needs blood. The heart itself receives this blood through the blood vessels. These are called coronary arteries of the heart. A heart attack occurs when these coronary arteries become blocked or fat builds up.

There are many reasons for heart attack. High blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, unhealthy lifestyle, stress etc. In many cases, if the level of cholesterol in the blood is high, the place is blocked due to blockage in the coronary arteries.

There are some symptoms that can be prevented if you know how to prevent a heart attack. If the symptoms persist for a long time or at least a month, it is important to consult a doctor. And maintaining a healthy heart is important for living a healthy life

The Family Health Freedom Network reports six symptoms of a heart attack.

1. Sweating and
dizziness in the body Sweating is a normal process of the body, but if your brain can not circulate blood properly, then many times dizziness and sweating can occur in the body. These are signs of serious danger in a few days. If this is the case, consult a doctor immediately.

2. Feeling of pressure in the
chest Feeling of pressure in the chest is a big symptom of a heart attack. This stress clearly states that you may have a heart attack in the near future. However, this does not mean that the heart attack has already taken place. There are many who avoid it as normal. It is important to be careful with such pain. Go to the doctor without avoiding the pain.

Weakness A feeling of weakness for a long time is a symptom of a heart attack. This can happen as the arteries become narrower. This means that the blood is not circulating properly throughout the body.

4. Cold and flu
Many people get cold and flu before a heart attack. This problem does not want to be solved easily. If this is the case, consult a doctor immediately.

5. Depression
If you are always tired and drowsy, then the blood circulation in the heart may be reduced. This can cause plaque to form in the arteries and lead to a heart attack.

8. Shortness of breath
reduces blood circulation and also affects the lungs. When the blood circulation in your lungs is not good, it cannot take in enough air. This causes shortness of breath and shortness of breath. This is one of the causes of heart attack. If so, consult a doctor.

If any of these symptoms occur, see a doctor immediately. Prevention is better than cure. So if such symptoms occur, do not delay in taking the advice of the doctor.

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